What did you learn? I learned how to create an app prototype in Figma. I enjoyed this because I was already used to the design side of Figma, but now I got to see a whole new side of it, prototyping. I learned how to link buttons to different tabs and I learned how to better create and use components & variants.
What was easy? Coming up with the idea for my TODO app was easy since I pretty much stuck with the idea the whole way through. Since my app, MindJog, is brain/intelligence themed, I knew from the beginning it would be good to use a pink/red/purple brain-like color scheme. Creating the design was not nearly as challenging as workking with connecting the noodles in the prototyping phase.
What was challenging? Staying organized and making sure every single button, icon, etc. connected to the correct thing. My Figma started getting all over the place full of frames and the noodles were becoming harder to control as the page got more full. Coming up with good ideas to differentiate my app from others was hard too as was creating the logo since I didn’t have many original ideas.
How could your submission be improved? I could have spent more time choosing the designs, like the fonts, colors, layout, etc. but there was so much stuff in my Figma I was easily becoming overwhlmed so I focused a bit more on the prototyping rather than how the design looked. However, I don’t recommend not fixing the design when possible.
How could I improve the assignment for the next class? It took me a while to understand components and variants, so it maybe working on that a bit more in class would have been good. Also, although the guidelines were mostly straighforward, I was a little unsure of whether or not I had enough content in my app to get a good grade at the end. Overall, I could sense some of my classmates & I were a bit overwhelmed and stressed since what we learned from this project is very different than typical DMA design work, so maybe allow for more time for the project to be completed next time.
How might you apply your knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios? I can definitely see myself creating another app prototype in the future. It is actually really cool and I keep trying to think of ideas in my head for potential apps that are original. I may try this again sometime soon as it would be something useful to add to my portfolio as a backup.
How did a specific reading or video inspire or help you? Refer to a specific reading or link for this; do not reference a class video or lecture. I had to research a bit some brain exercises, games, tips, etc. to make my app come alive and so that I would know for certain the info on my app was correct. It helped me draw inspiration for my project and reassured me that just a little research goes a long way into making something better.