This first project was the start of DMA 214s projects and it had use showcase our style of dealing with problems where simplicity restricted some creativity. The only colors we were allowed to use within this artwork was simply black and white where we attempted to create object’s that were recognizable as well as have every frame be creative and unique to itself with contrast showcasing its focal point.
With the use of this project it taught us about how to use contrast of different works to present a sense of depth and using our ability to be creative and change the shapes around to how we want to present them.
I believe with the images I’ve created could be improved with some time and more options of shapes. Id also like to add color but since it was restricted I don’t know exactly how I would improve it further.
I think our professor was good at presenting us with the basic information, but i do wish he showcased a bit more of the techniques that we could be using and also if he went over some of the student examples from previous years as those showcased other possibilities and techniques we didn’t see.
This first project was a unique way of teaching us contrasts and focal points and working with objects without thinking of the colors connected to it. This is a great way to learn and adapt it to future projects as it makes us think about the frame and the objects and how they present themselves in the scene and how we will be able to create a bigger world within our artwork for next time.