For Project 1, we had to represent the lyrics of a rhyme or lyric with both abstract and explicitly representative iconography. I chose the opening lyrics to the old track “Butcher Pete (Part 1)” by Roy Brown, which has been stuck in my head for years since I first heard it in Fallout 3. They are as follows:
Hey everybody, did the news get around about a guy named Butcher Pete?
Oh, Pete just flew into this town and he’s choppin’ up all the women’s meat!
The lyrics aren’t actually about mass murder, but about a promiscuous man, but can be about murder if you, say, put it in a game like Fallout 3.

The abstract representation was a bit difficult. I initially thought the song was easy enough to translate, and it definitely was for the most part, but I’m not totally confident the lyrics came through for the abstract section. I really like what I did for the representative section though.