Introduction: For this first assignment ‘Creating Imagery’, I learned how to create a colorful image using pixels. First, I mixed an array of colors, such as cyan, blue, black, and white to create my final lab image. I used a Google Image of flowers for my second image. Overall, my experience with interacting with Photoshop and this lab was simple and enjoyable. I learned many tips and tools for interacting with the Photoshop application.
What did I learn: While accomplishing this assignment, I learned a general overview of how to use Photoshop. I learned a variety of techniques, including zooming in, how to select pixels, and most importantly, how to use the free transform to create the image.
What was Easy: The easiest aspect for me was how to zoom and select the 6 pixels I wanted for the image. It was fast, simple, and satisfying to accomplish.
What was Challenging: I’m an overthinker by nature, so I was not sure if my photo was correct in general. I also was having trouble with inputting the height and width of the pixel measurements.
I also was confused about selecting more than 6 pixels. I attempted to use more pixels, but it didn’t create a proper image.
With a couple of tries, however, I was able to get into the flow of using the zoom and the pixels. Luckily, all went well.
How Could Your Submission be Improved: My assignment could do with a bit more color. It’s definitely not perfect. However, giving that this was my first experience with Photoshop, I’m satisfied with my work.
How could the professor improve the assignment: Personally, I think the professor gave the right amount of complexity for the first lab assignment. It’s not too difficult, but for beginners, it can take a bit of getting used to the program.
How did a Specific Reading or Video Inspire you: I really admire this picture of flowers for my Google search. It has so many colors to choose from — I had to pick it!
In conclusion, this first lab was slightly difficult, but it accomplished its main goal — getting adjusted to Photoshop and simple techniques such as the Marquee tool and the Free Transform tool. Overall, this assignment was very interesting, as I never used Photoshop before. I can’t wait to learn more!