During this lab, I learned about how to create musical loops and composing a piece on Garage Band, using cuts, the musical typing, and the automation.
What was Easy: I like picking and choosing the loops, and getting a feel of how they mix well together. I also thought it was easy to use the automation, as I used Premiere Pro and it had the same technique Overall, it is a pretty simple experience.
What was difficult: I wanted to adopt more and more music into my piece, but I had to learn to pick wisely. I also had to work on playing the piano with the keyboard to create the chords.
How could the submission be improved: Unfortunately, I didn’t know how to wrap up the song, so I used a simple fade-out for my conclusion. Like I said before, I had difficulty limiting my music choices, so I should have been more picky.
How could the professor improve the assignment: I don’t think the professor made this assignment that complicated. It is a straightforward assignment that encourages us to be creative.
How might a specific reading help you: The reading gave my inspiration in the sense that it allows me to know how the creative business works. I also took inspiration from my mood and emotions, as well as the type of music I like.
In conclusion, I really like this lab. It’s very creative and unique in the sense that we never utilized sounds in a lab before. Overall, this was a unique exercise that was fun to complete.