In this final lab, I learned how to use animation, using the painting brush and the frames to create a new animation.
What was easy: I thought the assignment as a whole was very simple. The task was easy: to create a text to define your emotion in the project.
What was hard: I thought it as difficult when I wanted the animation to be longer.
How could your submission be improved: I personally would have wanted by animation to be more neat. I know it’s very difficult to draw using a computer mouse, but I’m still not satisfied with it.
How could the professor improve the assignment for the next class: I don’t believe the professor could have improved the assignment. It’s a very simple, straightforward lab assignment.
How might you apply your knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios: I could apply this knowledge in future assignments by inputting my sketch in a short film, as I’ll do in the final project.
What was I inspired by: I was inspired by the settings around me. I also attempted to strike the tone for my emotion (‘calm’).
In conclusion, this lab was a very straightforward task to animate utilizing frames. It was short, but sweet.