Lab 2: Working with Layers

In the next lab, I learned about layering different images to create a cohesive image. I used an image of the leaf and the night sky to layer it. This is a really interesting lab that I learned a lot from.

What was Easy: I loved using the brush tool. There is something so satisfying about coloring in pixels. It was simple, straightforward, and relaxing. I also liked tinkering with the special effects. I tried using the glow effect, but in the end, I used the shadow effect to increase the dramatic colors of the night sky and silhouettes.

Before using the brush tool.
After using the brush tool.

What was Challenging: Unfortunately, I couldn’t get a handle on actually layering the images together. I was a bit lost with using the pen tool and the other layering tools. There were so many ways to have the same effect, so I was a bit overwhelmed and confused.

The final submission

How could your submission be improved: If I would do the lab over again, I think I would make the foreground a bit lower in the image. The hand takes too much space in the image when the main focus should be the leaf.

How would the professor improve the assignment for the next class: Admittedly, the lab was a bit harder than the last one we did. Like I mentioned before, there were so many ways to do the same technique so I was a bit lost for some time. However, I’m not so lost that I can’t follow along with the professor, and I eventually found my footing.

How might you apply your knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios: I’m thinking of going into the film industry, so using this to work on movie posters and trailers would really help!

How did a specific reading or video inspire or help you: I don’t think any reading or video inspired me, but the special effects that I tinkered with certainly did spark my creativity.

In conclusion, this lab was really interesting. It is a bit more intense than the last one, but I learned more than I expected. Overall, it is a great experience that I once again gain more knowledge.