Category: Uncategorized

  • Project 1

    In Project #1 I learned how to create a series of webpages and link them to one another with the use of the nodes; for someone new to Figma it definitely proved to be a difficult process but with assistance it became a little easier to comprehend. The easy part’s of creating a To-Do website would have to be making all the buttons and pages themselves because it was pretty straightforward but the difficult part would have to be learning how exactly to use the nodes because at first I wasn’t sure how to use them and ensure every button did what it was supposed to do. I would say my submission could probably use a few more pages of directory if a user were to use this possibly even more of an aesthetic or eye-pleasing look to it seeing that it’s pretty bland and simplistic with not much life to it at the moment. One way I can see myself implementing what I’ve learned about web page creation so far into other assignments is remembering the fundamentals so that if things become more intricate and hard to understand that I still have possible solutions to my problem if I understand the software being used. I would say Studio Ghibli inspired my color palette used considering the way they used color in their films as a way to portray a feeling to their audience and I have hopes that the color palette I used will be inviting to those who’ll see it.

  • Hello world!

    Welcome to DMA Student Websites. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!