
  • Project 1

    This is my first project, My To Do app, titled “To Do For YOU!” or TDFY for short. here are some screenshots:

    I learned how to use Figma very effectively and am now able to use simple commands like selections and variables to help with future projects.

    The easy part was designing the frames and making them look good.

    The challenging part was coding the frames to do what i wanted to, as sometimes I would miss a step and it would mess up the whole process.

    I feel I could improve my submission by just adding more design and detail. It’s quite basic, and could definitely use more detail.

    This assignment could be improved by giving students more ideas for extra things to add like the back arrow and more cool options and settings.

    I can apply this knowledge by being able to use Figma more effectively to create more advanced apps and designs for future projects.

    I feel like the guest speaker really inspired me to really use my imagination and really just explore my many ideas and add them to my project.

    This has been my first project, and I can’t wait for project 2! This project was really fun!