Project 2

  1. What did you learn? I learned the way to use figma in a professional manner that allowed me to create websites as well as a logo for my personal use.
  2. What was easy? I found that it was fairly easy to make the links and different slides and the ability to click on the different words and jump to different pages.
  3. What was challenging? I found actually coming up with a logo to make as well as choosing the right font for the entire website the most difficult
  4. How could your submission be improved? My submission could be improved by perhaps adding more to it to draw more attention since I felt like the grand majority of it was kind of bland and empty space.
  5. How could the professor improve the assignment for the next class? I feel like giving the heads up that this is going to be a little more professional based would be a good idea, I kind of made mine more goofy than anything else
  6. How might you apply your knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios? Well I want to become a lawyer so making business cards and a website are pretty much essential so being able to perform these tasks on my own is a great skill to have.
  7. How did a specific reading or video inspire or help you? Looking at the video concerning the actual process was extremely helpful since it not only gave me a reference to work off of but also allowed me to look back at times I struggled