I learned that the amount of details that actually go into 3D modeling is far more than it leads itself onto be and that there are more things that will most likely go wrong than right. What the easiest part was honestly choosing the designs that I wanted for textures, it was pretty much just drop and go. The most difficult part was definitely without a doubt the model making from Maya to Unreal and every part of it, I just could never nail it right the first time and had to repeat my steps several times. I think my submission could be improved by perhaps spending more time making everything in the game look more like a park, I feel like some of the architecture was just kind of placed there since I did not have a full grasp of how to properly build structures in that world. I think that the professor could have improved the assignment by showing other methods of making structures other than just revolve, or showing how to make multiple parts of a structure so that way you could have 2 different textures in one model, or multiple layers in that model. Being able to bring to life what I envision through the use of Unity is going to significantly help me in the future especially when it comes time to choosing a house or designing a floor plan for my office. I think the best video was the one that explained the development of the pawn, it was really the only part of this assignment that kicked my butt backwards and forwards and having the video rather than relying on slides made it far more manageable.