DMA 212

Project 4

What did you learn?

I finally learned how to use the pen tool in Illustrator. I have always been intimidated by it because I could never use it properly but this project forced me to be patient and get the hang of it.

What was easy?

Making the pattern was easy and probably the most fun part of the project.

What was challenging?

Using the pen tool was tricky at first and folding up the design into the carton was challenging.

How could your submission be improved?

I think the design could be more interesting. It is very simple so I could add more detail to make it less boring.

How could your professor improve the assignment?

I would not change anything about this assignment. It is great practice for creating patterns, using the pen tool, and creating vector images.

How might you apply your knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios?

Vector graphics is an important aspect in all graphic design. For example, these skills will be utilized for creating logos.

How did a specific reading or video inspire or help you?

I looked at past student projects which was very helpful for gaining inspiration.