Project 2: Color

Color Scheme: Complementary
Color Scheme: Analogous
Color Scheme: Triadic
Outer Space
Color Scheme: Split-complementary

What did you learn?

I learned to really notice color. I learned so much more about color. Interestingly, I notice color a lot more in life too. Recently I was looking at the night sky and I noticed different gradients and the contrasting colors of the world around us. I used to think I had some form of understanding when it came to colors: what looked nice and how to make things interesting. I realized that I had no clue. It feels really good to have a fundamental understanding on color since color is all around us. It makes me appreciate colors and the theory underneath it all.

What was easy?

Choosing which colors for the specific color scheme was pretty easy because there was already a specific method on choosing what color to choose. Since we had a color wheel, I was already able to choose the colors needed. Analogous was just three colors right next to each other,  complementary had to be opposite each other, and triadic and split complementary had specific locations on the color wheel. Understanding the color wheel was one of the easier parts of the project.

What was challenging?

Designing a landscape was pretty tough. The only other thing I have ever graphically designed was the heading for my website. So actually making a landscape was pretty interesting but also challenging. I never really thought of myself as artistic or creative, however this projected tested my idea of myself, really showing me was I am capable of creating.

How could your submission be improved?

More time just to learn more about figma and about different landscapes would help improve my submission. Also, I feel like my submission could have more depth. Lots of things are only one tone or they have a gradient. However, I think it would have been more interesting if I used more shades to give more depth perceptions into the different structures and geological landmarks but I do not have enough skills and information on how to do it properly.

How can the professor improve the assignment in the future?

Hoently, this project was really good for teaching us about basic color theory and more complex figma usages. We used a specific color schemes for each and by physically working in each scheme, it allowed for a much better understanding of the color theories than just a presentation.

How might you apply your knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios?

I will use this as often as using color will be needed! When designing a game I will keep a specific color scheme in mind to only enhance the experience of the game. If I want to have a specific point I would want to be highlighted I can use contrast so that the viewers eyes go straight to that point. If I was to make an interesting background that’s not too noisy I could use an analogous color scheme.

How did a specific reading, video or example inspire or help you?

Cameron Chapman’s article “Color Theory for Designers: How to Create Your Own Color Schemes” really help me to better understand how to choose the different colors that would look nice for each landscape. It gave me more context which ultimately helped me understand the color wheel and the schemes better since she explains the different schemes and gives many examples.