DMA 217 – Lab 6 – Project 2 Start


It’s Just One


An app that gives you one daily goal to do. Quarantine can leave people unmotivated. This app gives the user a random goal to do a day. This app also listens to what the user likes. The user can rate that daily they did. If the user enjoys it, the app has the ability to make new daily goals similar to the ones they enjoy, to make it more likely for the user to accomplish the daily goal. 

6 User stories:

  1. As a young adult, I want to have one daily goal,  so that I can have motivation during quarantine.
  2. As a lover of learning new things, I want to have a system that gives me random goals, so that I can consistently strive to learn new things. 
  3. As a daily phone user, I want an app that will give me productive goals, so that I do not procrastinate on my phone as much.
  4. As a college student, I want to keep myself busy during a global pandemic, so that I do not feel as lonely. 
  5. As a young adult, I want to instill better habits, so that I do have a routine that makes me better for me. 
  6. As an older adult, I want to learn new things daily, so that I can keep sharp and continue being the person I want to be.