Project 2: Image compositing/screensavers

DMA212: 2D graphics

Emily Scherer

1. What did you learn?

I learned how to cover backgrounds and all the different ways you can do that. There were many different tools you can use to get rid of the background of a photo and it was easy to figure out. I also learned that if you do command J it will let you choose a section of the image and put it on top of another section and then I lowered the opacity so it blended in with the background. 

2. What was easy?

What was easy was importing my individual photos into the template and using the tools I was taught to remove the background of the pictures so you could blend them together. 

3. What was challenging?

What was challenging was that my background color and pattern didn’t really work with my images and my pattern was so intense that I couldn’t see the color of the background and didn’t come through or blend well together. Also what was challenging was creating the mobile version from the desktop version and definitely struggled with that but was able to figure it out after watching the class video. 

4. How could your submission be improved?

My submission was improved by a lot because when I first submitted it the images weren’t blended and were just each placed on the template and saw the pattern and the color of the background and just didn’t look great and then when I realized what I needed to do I redid it and made the images all blend together and definitely looked a whole lot better. 

5. How could the professor improve the assignment for the next class?

You could improve the assignment by maybe taking out the background color and creating a pattern because I feel like for at least mine, it didn’t really fit in the whole scheme and worked better if you just used your images and overlapped them and took a section of a image and put it on top of another image with low opacity. 

6. How might you apply your knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios?

I will apply my knowledge that I learned in this project to help me on future projects and labs that we will be doing in class and can also help me in classes I will be taking next semester and is just a good skill to have when applying for jobs/internships. 

7. How did a specific reading or video inspire or help you?

The Erik Johansson surreal photography website helped me on this project because it inspired me to think outside of the box and not make my project so basic.