Project 3: Package design

DMA212: 2D Graphics

Emily Scherer

1. What did you learn?

I learned how to create a pattern and put it in my project on illustrator because I didn’t know how to do that before and don’t have much experience on illustrator because I usually use Photoshop more. I also learned how to do the logo and make it look more 3D and sharp/cleaner. Also how to create something on the computer and then being able to print it out and put it together because I have never done that before. 

2. What was easy?

What was easy was doing the logo because you just had to work with the layers. You just had to copy and paste the logo and move it a little down to make it look 3D and then just hide the other stuff to make it look cleaner. It was also easy to come up with a story to write on the side of the milk to show why they are the best milk and why someone should buy it and make the product sound really good. 

3. What was challenging?

What was challenging was making the coffee cups because I had a hard time drawing something that looked decent and not messy and also trying to come up with two ideas so I had a variety and not just the same coffee cup on both sides. After a while of brainstorming and trying to sketch things, I did end up being successful and found a way to create a clean, nice looking coffee cup. 

4. How could your submission be improved?

My submission was improved by changing the pattern from the swirls to creating my own pattern of a cow print to match the theme of the milk carton. 

5. How could the professor improve the assignment for the next class?

He could improve the assignment by making a new pattern required because I feel like it is important to match the theme of the milk carton and show that you can be creative and practice doing a pattern and not just using what you did from a lab. 

6. How might you apply your knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios?

How I will apply my knowledge to future assignments is having more confidence in illustrator and knowing what I am doing when I have to use it again for a different project. I will also know how to print something out that I made and know how to put it together. 

7. How did a specific reading or video inspire or help you?

What helped me do this project was the labs because they worked into the project and made us go step by step because for one lab we would do the pattern and then for another lab we did the logo and these labs gave me the knowledge to know what I am doing so I can be more creative with it.