-Glory Ndagano

What did you learn?
This project was a fun and especially being able to choose whatever country of your interest so I was able to choose my country Rwanda. I learned a lot on organizing the images in order to create a more eye catching stamp. People usually purchase stamps that are well presentative.
What was easy?
Placing an image was very easy , and also trying to use color corrections in order to blend all the colors in.
What was challenging?
What was challenging was making sure that I find the best images that could fit each category.
How could your submission be improved?
My submission could improve if I do take more time to do it . It has been so hard to have enough time to complete some assigment but I do try my best to manage.
How can the professor improve the assignment in the future?
The professor is straight forward but with this assignment I missed some parts where it would explain even more on how to improve my stamps.
How might you apply your knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios?
Overall , I would apply this in future by maybe creating my own stamps just for fun to see how it goes. This could also help me with the idea of finding out if I want to learn it more.
How did a specific reading, video or example inspire or help you?
I did follow up with the lecture videos and I also did review some of the other work from the past students. I did learn from them and it gave me a better idea on how to create my stamps as well.