What did you learn? For this project, I learned how use Photoshop and Figma in order to design a drink label and create an event display. What was easy? The easy part of the project was using Photoshop to create the event display. What was challenging? The most challenging part of the project was coming …
Tag Archives: Project
Project 2: Merch
What did you learn? For this project, I learned how to design and print stickers and a poster in Figma. What was easy? The easy part of the project was using Figma to create the designs. What was challenging? The most challenging part of the project was printing and cutting out the stickers. How could …
Project 1: Menu and Table Tent
What did you learn? In this project I learned how to create die strikes and image bleeds in order to optimize projects for print. What was easy? The easy part of this project was organizing the type for the menu and table tent in Adobe InDesign. What was challenging? The challenging aspect of this project …
Project 4: Book Theme
What did you learn? For this project, I learned how to create paragraphs styles and use them to format large amounts of text in Adobe InDesign. What was easy? The easiest part of this project was moving the text and images into InDesign. What was challenging? One of the most challenging parts of this project …
Project 3: Type History Poster
What did you learn?For this project, I learned how to use InDesign to format text. What was easy?The easiest part of this assignment was researching the history of Garamond typefaces What was challenging?The most difficult part of this assignment was figuring out how to format the information on the page. How could your submission be …
Project 2: Expressive Words
What did you learn?In this project, I learned how to use kerning and transformations in order to reinforce the meaning of the words. What was easy?The easiest part of this assignment was coming up with the concept that I wanted to convey. I knew that I wanted to get across the ideas of “restoration” and …
Project 1
What did you learn? I learned how to create a useable font with Fontstruct. What was easy? Fontstruct itself was very intuitive and easy to use. What was challenging? It was challenging to create letters that had diagonal sections such as “N” and “K”. How could your submission be improved? My submission could be improved …
Project 3: Package Design
For this project I wanted to use less saturated and lighter colors to match the lighter aesthetic of the creamer. I added the white to the pattern in the back because I wanted it to look like the creamer was going down the sides of the packaging. This also helped to neatly separate the blues …
Project 2: Image Compositing
In this project, I attempted to portray what my life is like living in my dorm at Canisius. I included various images of items that I keep around my room and I created a pattern background using the wooden texture on my desk. One of the most challenging parts of this project was arranging all …
Project 1: Portfolio
This project taught me that a portfolio can say a lot about a person simply through the grouping of images. The easiest part for me was editing the images in Photoshop. The most challenging part of this project for me was obtaining images that all related to each other. I decided to get images of …