Final Project

For my final project, I had to create a movie that captures emotion. The emotion I attempted to convey was happiness. My project starred my dog Jazzy, at Ellicott Creek Island Dog Park. I did this by adding in happy music, to which I can imagine conveys the happiness Jazzy was feeling as she trotted around the dog park.

During this project, I enjoyed using each of the different programs. Creating on Garage Band, Adobe Premiere, and Adobe Animate was very interesting and fun to learn. Although using Premiere was enjoyable, I got frustrated towards the end as I kept receiving error messages. This made it difficult to edit clips. In addition, exporting the video caused it to look more grainy, which I was unable to fix. Overall, the project itself was very enjoyable.

My inspiration throughout this project was the article, “The Creative Apocalypse That Wasn’t“. This article was very interesting as it described the different career options in the music and digital fields, as well as the revenue acquired in each of those industries.