As I have done video editing before, I didn’t think that this project was that challenging. I did however learn how to add custom audio that I made using Audacity. Creating the audio to time it with the video required patience, but overall it was relatively easy.
My submission could be improved by possibly using a more varied selection of images, but I also think that the images and video I chose all fit together and have a cohesive theme.
In the future, I would definitely use the same program I used this time, as it was easy to navigate, and already on my computer. For inspiration, I used my house as I was enjoying a peaceful morning. I took images from my surroundings that reflected the “Peace & Quiet” feeling I was experiencing and combined them into one visual representation of the emotion I was feeling.
The quietness of the house with the soft ticking of the clock in the background sets the overall mood. The couch and soft textiles, the soft morning sun, the stillness of the trees out of my windows as the birds chirp all embody the “Easy like a Sunday morning” feeling that I tried to capture in my video. The stirring of my teacup and the pot on my stove shows the stillness as I sit and drink my tea.
Overall I did not enjoy this project. I personally do not play games and didn’t look forward to having to create my own. I learned how to use some of the basic features of Unity but that was really it. All in all I learned that its best to be patient and fully read the instructions.
Nothing about this was easy, and everything about this was challenging. The instructions didn’t match ip with the Unity that I had downloaded which made it challenging to follow along. I was not familiar with Unity so learning another new program just to use it one time was really frustrating.
My submission could be improved if I followed along better and comprehended what I was actually doing. It’s also really hard to do all of this online and figure it out ourselves.
Better or clearer instructions could be given for the next class, or find a way to lessen the amount of work the project is.
I will probably not use this knowledge in the future, and I will avoid using Unity because I simply do not like the platform or process.
I didn’t use any additional resources aside from those on the schedule of classes. I wasn’t particularly inspired or looking forward to this project so I was happy to simply get to a point where I had something tangible to hand in.
All in all, this project was interesting. I was challenged in a lot of ways, but also learned a lot because of this. I learned how to use Brackets and familiarized myself with the basics of the program. In addition, I also learned the importance of checking the code in the actual form that it exists in the make sure details are consistent and nothing is overlooked.
Checking my progress live as I changed the coding was easy, as there was a little button I could click to check it. It was also really exciting to see the updates and changes I made and the way I could move things around!
Brackets code
Improvements for the next class might include showing different styles of how to change the format of the resume around. Showing the code section that needs to be changed and how to do that could definitely help and increase the variety of projects that are turned in.
Mostly everything else was challenging. From opening the files to editing the code, to inserting my logo and so on, I struggled with a lot. That being said, I also learned a lot. Not having experience with Brackets and coding, this was really beneficial to have a start on understanding the basics.
The monogram I created
Overall, there wasn’t one specific reading or video that helped me. I did look up other examples of online resumes that were done by more experienced individuals which was really inspiring and made me want to learn more.
In the future, I might apply my knowledge by keeping this resume update and use it as a unique tool when applying to jobs in the future. For work related scenarios, as a communications major, a lot of job posts include some kind of online or blogging aspect which could be really helpful.
Through working on this project, I learned a lot. Before this class, I had never used Photoshop, but now I’m able to use it and have a basic understanding of how to complete simple tasks within the software. I also learned the importance of asking questions and using the instructions provided, because while it might seem clear, not everything is straightforward while actually working in Photoshop.
Cropping images and moving them around was probably one of the easier parts of this project for me. Doing these activities is very similar to cropping and moving images in other programs. In addition, adding text was relatively easy, as it has a similar process to Microsoft products, Canva, and other programs.
Image used inside the card
Overall, getting acclimated to Photoshop was a challenge. Having never used it before I began this class, it was completely new. While I am getting used to the program, there are still many things that remain a challenge, whether it be remembering which icon means what, or more challenging tasks that require a more in-depth knowledge of working within the program.
Rainbow image used on outside of card
I think my submission could be improved by cleaning up the edges of the images a bit more. I did the best I could and spent a long time touching and retouching the edges of the shapes to have a clean look, but they still are not completely perfect.
For the next class, the assignment could have a clearer set of requirements, but also looser restrictions that allows for freedom and creativity. In addition, having the requirements reflect the way a greeting card found in stores looks would be beneficial.
Before learning how to reflect an image
I might apply what I’ve learned in future assignments by using Photoshop to manipulate images and make more personal for the assignment that I need it for. Furthermore, in terms of work scenarios, I currently have an internship where I am tasked with working on the monthly newsletter. The woman that I work with typically sends a file to her brother if she needs something done with Photoshop, but now that I have some basic knowledge and understanding of the program, I can offer to do those aspects.
Images used inside the card
How did a specific reading or video inspire or help you? I used a reading I found on my own that helped with a step I needed for my card specifically. I wanted to flip an image on the back of my card so that it was reflective of the image on the front of my card. Doing so allowed me to have an entire rainbow spanning the width of the card. In addition, I also browsed the card aisle while shopping, which helped with inspiration.
For my assignment, I chose a black background on the outside of the card to help provide emphasis for the colorful image. It also helps to enhance the message in the card by providing darkness in contrast with the “ray of sunshine” message inside. In addition, I used a lighter color text against the black to make it easy to read, and used a classic font. Inside the card, I inversed the colors to have a light background with dark text, again making it easy for the reader.
Inside of card
I wanted to create a lighthearted card that could cheer someone up, say thank you, and fit any time of the year. Overall, I enjoyed making the card but brainstorming an idea was challenging.
I chose the pixels in part one to select a part of the image that could be treated as a separate section to make editing easier.
In step 12, using the transform controls allows you to change the scaling of the image you’re working on.
This image could be used to practice gaining familiarity with the tools offered through Photoshop. Its a way to explore the different functions, allowing us to practice going through the motions.
I am unfamiliar with Photoshop so I am not sure what other ways there are to generate imagery from scratch within it software. However, it seems that creating layers and manipulating them is important in doing so.