Resume Website

All in all, this project was interesting. I was challenged in a lot of ways, but also learned a lot because of this. I learned how to use Brackets and familiarized myself with the basics of the program. In addition, I also learned the importance of checking the code in the actual form that it exists in the make sure details are consistent and nothing is overlooked.
Checking my progress live as I changed the coding was easy, as there was a little button I could click to check it. It was also really exciting to see the updates and changes I made and the way I could move things around!

Improvements for the next class might include showing different styles of how to change the format of the resume around. Showing the code section that needs to be changed and how to do that could definitely help and increase the variety of projects that are turned in.
Mostly everything else was challenging. From opening the files to editing the code, to inserting my logo and so on, I struggled with a lot. That being said, I also learned a lot. Not having experience with Brackets and coding, this was really beneficial to have a start on understanding the basics.

Overall, there wasn’t one specific reading or video that helped me. I did look up other examples of online resumes that were done by more experienced individuals which was really inspiring and made me want to learn more.

In the future, I might apply my knowledge by keeping this resume update and use it as a unique tool when applying to jobs in the future. For work related scenarios, as a communications major, a lot of job posts include some kind of online or blogging aspect which could be really helpful.