Project 3_Metaphorical Design

“Time Flies”

For this assignment, we had to present a metaphor by using imagery from manipulating images cleverly to represent chosen metaphor

What did you learn?

With this project, I’ve learned how to effectively capture a set of words or a phrase with an image. And, learned more about Gimp and it’s features of manipulating images.

What was easy?

The easy part was coming up with an idea for the image, “Time Flies” is a simple concept(at least to me) that could be represented very easily.

What was challenging?

There were many challenges in doing this project in comparison to the previous. However, the most challenging was using Gimp itself. For the most part I was very perplexed with the tools and how to use them effectively, in spite of that I’m still learning and got the project done.

How could your submission be improved?

My submission could have been improved by challenging my artistic mind and really pushing my imagination to it’s limits. By that I mean, exploring and experimenting with the shapes and colors like some of my fellow peers.

How could I improve the assignment for the next class?

I think you could improve the assignment for next class by maybe going over the program and demonstrating some of its features.

How might you apply your knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios?

I might apply my knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios by being more creative and selective of how I want to convey a phrase or sentence(Metaphor, simile, etc.) in the most effective and targeted manor to my audience.

How did a specific reading or video inspire or help you?

Honestly, my peers work really inspired me because it displayed how I could push my work to it’s limits. Plus, there work demonstrated things I could do in Figma that I thought I could not do before.

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