Project 3_2D Graphics, Product Design
1. What did you learn? I learned new tricks and tips for typography and graphic design. Furthermore, I also learned some arts and crafts skills with us assembling the project. |
2. What was easy? The easy part was designing the milk carton. Especially, since I learned some new tools and tricks for typography and graphic design. |
3. What was challenging? The challenging part was the actual assemble of the project and trying to make sure I utilized the proper tools and where to fold and how much pressure to cut. |
4. How could your submission be improved? My submission could have improved if I had better management in the arts of crafting. So, my project could look the best it can be. |
5. How could the professor improve the assignment for the next class? I have no suggestions at the moment of how the professor could improve the assignment for the next class. |
6. How might you apply your knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios? I would apply my knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios to improve my images to be more presentable and the best they can look. Plus, I know what tools to utilize in order to get the specified appearances I want for my assignments and or work scenarios. |
7. How did a specific reading or video inspire or help you? The specific video that helped me was in the class notes day 9.1 in the project 3 slides description. In which, the video in that slide of assembling the project advocated for me a lot and showed me the guides in order to assemble it. |