- What did you learn?
I was able to learn how to use local variables and apply them to the creation of certain features in my app, such as the temperature gauge.
- What was easy?
The easiest part of this project for me was being able to simplify the features I believed needed to be simplified. Being able to use my own experiences and thoughts from being in a vehicle gave me the push to brainstorming these ideas.
- What was challenging?
The most challenging part of this project was learning how to use the Conditional feature, and having to set up all the ‘What-If’ situations.
- How could your submission be improved?
I think the theming for the interface could be improved as a whole. For example, I wanted the backgrounds in light/dark mode to reflect day and night skies, but I wasn’t able to add detail in such as clouds or stars.
- How could I improve the assignment for the next class?
A few more in-class tutorials of certain features you could add to enhance the interface could improve things, such as sliders or dragging.
- How might you apply your knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios?
The Conditional feature will help in any future assignments that require me to modify the current aesthetic based on how a user would be utilizing the interface or which prompts they may be pressing.
- How did a specific reading or video inspire or help you? Refer to a specific reading or link for this; do not reference a class video or lecture.
This article was a good dive into how to apply dark mode to your project in a very simple way: https://youtu.be/DJrQbmH75lY?si=XbegLQg0qAFMriXs