What did you learn? I learned how to use the brush tool and many others aspects of the GIMP software, this application is helpful for editing images
What was easy? Choosing my metaphor, I went with fork in the road because it doesn’t actually mean theres a fork in the road, it could mean that there are other ways to continue down the road.
What was challenging? I had a tough time exporting the gimp file into Figma, once I realized that it had to be in PNG format I figured it out.
How could your submission be improved? I think if I would have played more around with the fork on the road It may look cleaner.
How could I improve the assignment for the next class?I would open up the metaphors to anything, although it is still very easy to find a metaphor.
How might you apply your knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios? In the future I will have to use gimp/ adobe photoshop to manipulate photos. This will be very needed. With more practice I will get better and better at it.
How did a specific reading or video inspire or help you? My mom thought of fork in the road and I rolled with it.