
  • DMA217 Project 1

    • What did you learn? I learned the ins and outs on how to actually use a computer. There’s so many different ways you can decorate or create something on Figma; the sky is the limit with the technology.
    • What was easy?I would say the project was easy; the only issue was figuring out where certain things were to improve my project and make it better. Once I figured everything was smooth like butter.
    • What was challenging? Finding out where everything is to bring the project all together.
    • How could your submission be improved? Just take the time to actually make the project look amazing to me, the professor, and the outside world.
    • How could I improve the assignment for the next class? Giving out instructions on D2L of where we can find the tools we need to continue the project on our own so we don’t have to watch videos on YouTube, figure out on our own, or ask a peer. Just so that it is easier for people who are not necessarily good with technology.
    • How might you apply your knowledge to future assignments or work scenarios? I dont know yet and havent thought that far ahead of the fact that my major is integrated marketing and communications, so I dont know how digital media arts is going to connect to that.
    • How did a specific reading or video inspire or help you? No, reading or video inspired me; just being in class with Professor Bunkle is what helped me, and the Zoom calls to make sure I am on track with the project. Also, to stay on track so I dont lose focus and let the project slip by only to get a bad grade.
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