On the left is the original while on the right is my thumbnail touchup. I wanted to use the lights to the photos advantage, though the photo isn’t the most high resolution.
The left photo is the original and the right it the thumbnail touchup. I used the stamp and touchup tool to get rid of the glass glare and specks on the lamp. Also messed with the lighting and colors.
What did you learn? I learned how to use the curve, level, and sharpen tools.
What was easy? Playing with the lighting to get the colors I wanted.
What was challenging? Trying to figure out how to use the sharpen/curve/level tool to my advantage, but also look good.
How could your submission be improved? For my first photo, I think getting it scanned better who help as well as, for both, getting to know more of photoshop to make the photos look realistic.
How could the professor improve the assignment? being more clear in the text instructions.
How might you apply your knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios? Any photo I work on in the future can be improved with color changes and touchups.