Project 1 – DMA 395

What did you learn?

I was able to learn more about the structure of Illustrator as well as how to change images from realistic to something that looks more like drawings.

What was easy?

Working with Procreate for my one image was easy since I already knew the program. I also knew how I wanted to edit the images right away, with a comic book style.

What was challenging?

I had a lot of difficulty trying to get Illustrator to do what I wanted, especially with the hair. I still don’t think it looks as good as I want. Also, picking the colors for illustrator and even procreate was challenging since I didn’t want to have too many colors in the image.

How could your submission be improved?

I think I could play with the backgrounds more for both, and play with the colors in the hair for the illustrator more. For Illustrator too, go into the demon, creepy feel more.

How might you apply your knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios?

Knowing how to do this in photoshop, procreate, and Illustrator can help any project I might do in the future based on an existing image.

How did a specific reading or video inspire or help you?

The style for the art is very comic book shading.