- What did you learn?
In this project, I played with realism in a way I never really had before. I wanted to make my logos for the cans look like they could really be there. Messing with the image and trying to make them all look they were part of the same brand.
- What was easy?
Coming up with the concept and picking the colors and alliteration to go along with it. The original sketch ideas came pretty easy as well.
- What was challenging?
Drawing and using a lot more shading in my art then I’m used to.
- How could your submission be improved?
Adding more color variety, especially for Heracles Harlequin. Could’ve added more highlights in general. I’m always scared to add to many highlights and I need to stop that
- How did a specific reading or video inspire or help you?
Greek Mythology is the inspiration and the designs mostly come from already existing myths