What did you learn? I learnt how to make my own pattern that I could reuse at anytime
What was easy? Creating the pattern and putting it on the layers was easy for me.
What was challenging? Trying to perfect the font was challenging, because it took a lot of time of moving and adjusting.
How could your submission be improved? There isn’t any real “artwork” besides the text. As I did an album cover, they tend to either be very simplistic or complex. The design I did for the font did not match with the original design of the album cover so I decided to just not add artwork since the font is very dominating. I think perhaps adding a 2nd pattern to the yellow text could improve it.
How could I improve the assignment for the next class? Perhaps allow more than just album cover, movie cover, and book cover for options
How might you apply your knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios? I would be able to create my own font for my own designs, and add patterns to them to make my design unique.
How did a specific reading or video inspire or help you? N/A