What did you learn? I learned how to use several different techniques to transform a photograph into what looks like a painting or digital illustration.
What was easy? It was easy to figure out how to do the techniques, but took time once you started to do them.
What was challenging? I am not really an amazing drawer, so i decided to attempt to have my photoshop project be a little sketchy at first, which was tricky for me, but after the class critique we decided it looked better without it.
How could your submission be improved? I would like to try and maybe improve the image trace in illustrator to have more golden tones than bronze maybe
How could I improve the assignment for the next class? I think leaving it open to the students creativity is a good thing, but maybe ask them to pick at least 2 of the techniques we learned so we have to combine them?
How might you apply your knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios? Since I am not an amazing artist, the smudging and mixer brush techniques really worked in my favor here, and made my project look good despite there being a lack of my drawing skill.
How did a specific reading or video inspire or help you? For the image trace, I wanted to have it so it was mostly a similar color. The image reminded me of a painting of Gandhi I saw once, and I wanted to try and keep a similar color scheme to that. (Also my dad and Gandhi do look similar in some ways)