I initially struggled with settling on an idea for this project. After a few rough drafts and suggestions from classmates I settled on the heart of gold metaphor. This at first started as heart with veins of gold in it, but after some peer review I morphed it into more of a crystal cavern type of thing. I think this really sells the idea of it being a mine, with a core of gold at the center. If there is one thing I would improve on this, it would be the background. I didn’t want it to distract from the foreground main heart image, so I settled on a pattern of gem symbols. I wish I could’ve fleshed it out a little more, or perhaps just put in a gradient or something. The color scheme was just a little difficult to figure out without being too distracting. Overall, I really enjoyed this project as I make projects in photoshop frequently so it was good to flex those muscles after a couple months of mainly using Figma and after effects in my other DMA classes. I finished this very quickly as well and it allowed me to make several different drafts with other metaphors.