Project 3 – DMA212

1. What did you learn?

I learned how to make a design that will go onto a package and I learned how to print & fold that package to look professional. We used Adobe Illustrator to create our designs. Then, we used video instructions, tape, and scissors to turn our designs into milk cartons.

2. What was easy?

Creating the cup design was easy. By the time I did that, I had quite a bit of practice using the pen tool in Illustrator. Although it is not perfect, I did a good job of tracing over a coffee cup design and changing it up a bit. I liked my color choice and design. Although I could not print the design in color, the design still looks nice. Everything that was not the pattern or the cutting & folding part of this lab was easy.

3. What was challenging?

Making the pattern in Illustrator was very challenging. It took me multiple tries and actually took me a couple of hours to make. It looks okay, but it could look better. I followed the class videos to make the pattern but I still struggled to get it to look nice. It looks okay, but it does not blend the best with my cup design. Also, the cutting & folding part was kind of challenging. It did not take me nearly as much time as I suspected it would, but I would guess that everyone struggled with it at least a little bit. should also mention that printing was tough because my color printer was not working correctly. I replaced the ink in my printer, tried printing using different programs, and changed the file type of my design, but nothing was working. I became very frustrated and it took me a long time to print because of these issues, but at least I got to print something in the end.

4. How could your submission be improved?

I’m sure the folding could have went better, but it still looks nice. I also could have done a better job with my pattern design and tracing the coffee cup. I am still not too good with the pen tool, but it doesn’t look too bad. I guess I should have been more careful, but I got tired of retracing multiple times. Also, my submission would be much better if my printer would work correctly, but I had to use the black & white printer. I could not figure out the issue with my color printer. It took a lot of work to try to fix the issue, but I remain unsuccessful for now.

5. How could the professor improve the assignment for the next class?

While the project was kind of tough, I think Professor Dunkle did a nice job of helping students work through the project. He showed us how to create our designs step-by-step multiple times and showed us how to cut & fold the cartons properly. The Google Slides presentations definitely help and make finding steps much simpler than scanning through a whole class video on Zoom. I appreciate all the help that was provided with this project.

6. How might you apply your knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios?

Before this project, I did not know how to use Adobe Illustrator too well. I now have a much better understanding that will now give me an alternative to Photoshop and Gimp. I also always struggled to use the pen tool, but I now am much better at using it due to the practice I got with the tool. This will be very useful for future designs for the DMAAD Club and future DMA courses. Plus, these skills will be very useful in case I ever find myself designing a professional package if I decide to get into the world of graphic design. It was a very interesting and helpful project.

7. How did a specific reading or video inspire or help you?

The class videos that went over each step of the project were very helpful. I couldn’t have gotten this done without them and the Slides presentation. I did also look at multiple different Coffee Cup designs and abstract patterns for inspiration. These greatly helped influence my designs.