- What did you learn? By completing this project I essentially learned how to create my own font from scratch. I also learned how to make a font that was made only with pixels on a grid and one that was consistent with the rules I made for it.
- What was easy? An easy part of this project was making most of the letters as they fit easily with the boundaries I set for them.
- What was challenging? A challenging part of this project was that a number of the letters in the font would not seem to corporate with the rules and I had to bend them for the letters would look for appealing.
- How could your submission be improved? I think my submission could be improved by touching up all the letters to make sure they have the same consistency.
- How could I improve the assignment for the next class? Honestly I thought the assignment was fair and had nothing wrong with it.
- How might you apply your knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios? I now know what the baseline is as well as ascenders and descenders, so I could use this to maybe create another font. I could also use this knowledge when creating a brand logo.
- How did a specific reading or video inspire or help you? Refer to a specific reading or link for this; do not reference a class video or lecture. My inspiration wasn’t from from a video, rather from a classmate. I forgot who it was but he was creating a font out of only triangles. I thought it looked cool and wondered if I could do the same but using only circles for the font.