Project 4: Book

  1. What did you learn? I learned how to design and arrange a book layout using indesign. I also learned how to use many tools in indesign to create a better layout.
  2. What was easy? The easy part of this project was gathering the materials to make the book layout such as text and images.
  3. What was challenging? The challenging part was going through and making sure every slide had the same fonts and layout as all the rest. I would say that was more tedious than challenging but it was the only thing that was close to difficult.
  4. How could your submission be improved? My submission could probably be improved by making the design a bit more flashy as it does look a bit plain but maybe that can be a good thing sometimes.
  5. How could I improve the assignment for the next class? You could improve the assignment by giving more examples of different designs the Quadrangle has to offer.
  6. How might you apply your knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios? I might apply these skills if I some day work with a newspaper or magazine company that needs someone to design their prints.
  7. How did a specific reading or video inspire or help you? The thing that helped me the most was a reading about how to make paragraphs look better by using drop caps and pull quotes within them.