- What did you learn? I learned quite a bit about the font Helvetica which is something would’ve never thought I’d be researching. I’ve always seen it everywhere but didn’t know what it was until this class. I also learned some cool features in illustrator such as image trace and learning how to warp text into a shape.
- What was easy? The easy part about this project was actually researching information about the font. It was also easy to arrange the text so that it all lined up with the margins.
- What was challenging? A challenging part about this project was trying to find a similar font for Helvetica, since it isn’t on my computer. Another challenging part was image tracing the coke bottle and warping the text inside it.
- How could your submission be improved? My submission could be improved by adding something else to the project because it does kind of feel empty in some spaces.
- How could I improve the assignment for the next class? You could improve the assignment by giving examples of art from the different time periods. I found myself going through the list looking up a lot of them because I wasn’t familiar.
- How might you apply your knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios? I might apply this knowledge to create more posters designs of any topic.
- How did a specific reading or video inspire or help you? Something that inspired me was watching the documentary about Helvetica. Something about it made it stick in my head so that’s why I chose it. I also got inspiration from Coca Cola ads where Helvetica is used in big bold letters.