My name is Casey Voit, and I have been born and raised in Buffalo, NY. I previously went to Charter High School for Applied Technologies, where I graduated as Valedictorian of the class of 2018. I am a Digital Media Arts major with a minor in Computer Science at Canisius College.
I aspire to graduate with a bachelor’s in Art, and I want to be either a video game animator, a storyboard artist, or a character designer for movies or video games. Ever since I was young, video games and animation films have been a huge part of my life. From playing on the original Xbox, to the Game Cube, to the Nintendo DS series, video games have been a part of my childhood. Animation was a big thing for me when DVD’s came out, where I could sit and watch the animation process for movies like Toy Story, Bambi, and even Tangled. I loved watching the differences of the characters in the beginning change to how they were finally developed.
I began to fall in love with character design. I would draw characters I created myself. Two of my most important characters are Sasha and Natasha Vargas. They’ve been developed slowly over the years to seem more like real people in many aspects. Sasha is the human representation of the Province of Venice, Italy. She holds many parts of the early Renaissance; between her Blonde, curly hair, to her pale and smooth skin. She has blue eyes as well, and I remember basing her a bit off my one friend Sophia, who I don’t see all that much right now. Then there’s Natasha, who represents the working classes of Venice, Italy, but she still possesses some of the odd traits that some Italians may have. She has darker, slightly less curly hair, sun-tanned skin and lighter grey/blue eyes. She’s more athletic than Sasha, draws and does more labor than Sasha, and has more of that harsher Italian attitude than Sasha. They are supposed to be represented as polar opposites, but you can consider them fraternal twins. They’re based off of an old Anime I watched in the past known as Hetalia, which I don’t really watch anymore. Even before them, however, I’ve had several other original characters made, but it’s been a while since they’ve been drawn. I tend to do research whenever I create characters, as I don’t like making a bland, or extremely underdeveloped character. I always start with backgrounds, ages, looks and other important pieces of a character.
I will try to regularly post some sketches I do, not only to show some of my art style and design process, but also to show my characters or art to the world.