Final Project

In this project I learned a degree of minimalism, and how to do more with less. It wasn’t terribly difficult, but I did what I could to make the images coherent and visually appealing. The challenging part was the image tracing, especially with all the inevitable fine tuning and glitches that come with it. If […]

Project 3, Visual Metaphors

Pride Comes before Fall This project I learned that photoshopping images together requires a lot more small complexities that I originally thought. It was easy once I found two images that actually fin together well, but before that I had plenty of trouble making the images look like they fit, as well as conveying what […]

Project 2

This project was much more difficult than the last, much in part thanks to the introduction of color into the equation. I was quite shocked to learn just what a program of figma was capable of, however. With just the use of some effects and color gradients, one can make so much using nothing but […]

Project 1

This project was very eye-opening to how one may interact with space within a 2d plane. The ability figma grants you to simply move and stretch objects at will grants a lot of creative freedom, and compared to one particular very similar project i’m doing in a 2d design art class, one that is done […]