For our first project, we were given a task to create a halloween card. Throughout this project, I have learned several things since it was my first time working with Photoshop. This was something I always had an interest in but never got a chance to mess around with. I learned how to use several essential tools such as the magic eraser and lasso tool as well as other features that photoshop has to offer. Parts of this project were more challenging than others however everything turned out to be manageable. Some ways I could improve my submission would be to add some more creativity. Photoshop gives the user endless possibilities when it comes to creativity with the options/tools it has to offer. One way our professor could improve this project would be to show more features of photoshop so that the project could be taken to the next level. Photoshop is also something I could use in the future. I am a person who loves photography and photoshop will allow me to enhance my pictures. As we were developing the project, we were given several readings to read. I found the reading about fonts to be interesting. Different curves and lines can really express different tones in fonts. Different fonts were used throughout my halloween card as seen below.