This project involved using Unity Game Engine to create a basic game. This is a program that I have never used before so it was interesting to explore some of the features it has to offer. I learned how to create a basic game that involved a character to walk through a maze to collect a coin at the end. This involved using multiple tools and assets to create the final game. This project was not too challenging as Unity makes it pretty simple to create whatever you can imagine. However, there were some challenges with this project because of the fact that I was not very familiar with Unity yet. At first, the program looked confusing and I had a hard time finding specific tools needed to make everything in this project possible. As mentioned before, Unity is easy to use for the most part and so it would be fairly easy to improve my submission. I could have added some obstacles or spent more time on the details using assets. One way the professor could improve this project is to perhaps give the students an option to create their own basic game. This would allow students to bring creativity to the next level. This project allows me to apply this knowledge to be a future game designer. Although this didn’t involve any code, it helped introduce the basics of game design. Below is a screenshot to give you a better idea on what Unity looks like and some of the tools it provides to make game design possible.