
Project 2: Merch

By: Brandon Scott


1.) In this project, I learned how to turn my graphic into a real-sized poster. Growing up, I loved hanging posters in my room, but as I grew older, I really stopped hanging things on my wall unless it was my artwork. When this project was announced, I was excited but also taunted because I didn’t know which one I was going to do. I have printed on shirts before with my uncle on his screen printer, but I never made stickers or a poster. So, I decided to make the poster, and in the process, I learned how to use the poster printer, how to size my graphics in inches for print, and also, along the way of creating the bills graphic, I learned a couple new techniques that I now use in my daily design routine.

2.) The easy part was creating a cool graphic that I liked. I’ve been doing designs and graphics in Photoshop since high school. I enjoy it with passion, and I feel like it is something that I can use to put me in the places I want to be. As I have already started to see that idea fruition, I decided to do a Buffalo Bills graphic because I have friends that work for New Era and people close with the Bills associates. Since I am graduating this year, I thought, why not do something super dope that I could put into my demo reel or portfolio, which I can show to my colleagues?

3.) The challenging part was as simple enough, getting the printer to connect to my laptop. But in all seriousness, I wouldn’t say that it was challenging, but it definitely took some time to figure it out, but at the end of the day, it was completed. I wanted to create a nostalgic feeling of old legacy and times to new day. I didn’t want to use too many graphics or subjects, because I didn’t want to clog up the space. I also didn’t create the graphic with it being just a graphic design. I had the intention of making it into a poster, which I think really helped me during the creation process due to my love for posters.

4.) My submission could have been improved if I had done the stickers too and made some that matched the poster. I will definitely get to that idea though, as I think it will be really cool. My submission could also have been better if I had a frame to put it in, but I am going to buy one and give it as a gift to my uncle to hang in his office.

5.) This was such a cool and fun project, I don’t think it could have been improved.

6.) The project has given me the ability to know how to create marketable merchandise. Posters can be hung up anywhere from the public outside on buildings to the intimates inside homes. I will use this information and these techniques  for my production company. I am going to create posters that I will have my friends and family members hang up. The goal is just to promote awareness and get the vision of the brand in front of people’s faces. It is something that is inexpensive and can be done easily since I can create the graphic and all I have to do is print it out to a certain size in inches.