
Project 1: Point of Sale

By Brandon Scott

1.) In this project, I learned how to create a menu for a restaurant and how to use the tools from labs 1 and 2 to create a whole menu. I never created a menu before, and it was an experience that I would like to explore more outside of the classroom.

2.) The easy part was moving around in the indesign program. With this being the first semester and the time I used to create, after this project, I feel a lot more confident in knowing what I want to do and how to do it within the program.

3.) The challenging part was creating the proper bleed strikes and filling up the empty space. I had a hard time adjusting the text and using the information I had creatively in the menu.

4.) My submission could have improved if I had found a way to put what comes inside the dishes under the main dish. There was a lot of empty space in the menu that I could have filled up with more information or pictures. If I had come up with a mood board of inspiration for different menus, I think it would have been easier to come up with an idea for my menu.

5.) I don’t think this submission could have improved, as it was pretty straight-forward.

6.) I will apply this newly formed knowledge to my future work scenarios because I will now take the idea of this project and build upon it outside of the classroom. I have family members who own small businesses and restaurants; I could create menus for them using what I learned in this project. I will admit I have to spend more time flourishing out my ideas, but I definitely understand the gist and understand the different ways I can apply these tools to real-world scenarios and use my creativity to help others. Whether it be increasing brand awareness or creating a point of sale, this project has paved the way to a path that I plan on embarking on, even though it is nothing I thought I could do before.