1. What did you learn? I learned how to use Premiere Pro and make music from scratch.
2. What was easy? Importing the videos and everything into the video editor was easy. I understood how to use the software pretty quickly.
3. What was challenging? Making the soundtrack was very hard. It was difficult to get loops that sounded good together. Getting the footage (because I was shy to record people) and arranging the clips into an enjoyable order.
4. How could your submission be improved? I could have added more transitions and ended the video a bit more smoothly.
5. How could the professor improve the assignment for the next class? Perhaps go more into music theory and how to make good sounding music.
6. How might you apply your knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios? I could start content creating for myself or for work scenarios.
7. How did a specific reading or video inspire or help you? I think teaching how to cut the video helped me the most.
8. Show some images of your work in .jpg or .png format. Include sketches, work in progress, and final images.