Project 2: The Mask

I have always loved Jim Carrey and the way he really gets into the character. Every character he has ever played has always had a mischievous personality or playful comedic personality. For this project I decided to take that idea and use it in the film The Mask which Jim Carrey stars in. Every time […]

Project 2

During project 2 I learned a lot about colors, blending them together and why some colors do not go with others. The easiest part about this project was probably blending the colors together. When I figured out how to blend the colors together and how to saturate and de-saturate colors the shapes came together. The […]

Project Two: We Got It The Second Time Around

Doing project 2 made me realize how I should have really thought about my collection of photos in project 1 and had not just picked random photos. I liked doing this project because I felt a bit more free with my creativity with this one. What challenged me with this project was figuring out how […]

Project 2: Resume

At first it was hard to get started with Project 2 because my public html folder wouldn’t show up. Once I got help with finding out how to find it with a classmate I was pretty much set.  Brackets wasn’t hard for me to understand because of my prior knowledge with python and coding from […]