What I learned
In Project 5, I put all my skills from this semester to use, experimenting with design, spacing, image manipulating, color, and type. I learned how to add effects to images in Figma.
What was easy?
I had an easy time finding the right images and fonts, and trying out different layouts. I really liked that we had a lot of creative freedom for this project, which allowed me to think outside the box and create something original.
What was challenging?
I didn’t find anything challenging, except that I didn’t want to alter the original colors of my images, I liked them! To overcome this, since an exception was made, (thank you!), I made my own palette using the eye dropper based on the colors in my images. This way, the colors remained cohesive throughout each design.
How could my submission be improved?
My submission could be improved by watching spacing, tangents, and working with more image effects.
How could the professor improve the assignment for the next class?
Nothing I can think of, thank you!
How might I apply my knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios?
I can apply my knowledge in future assignments/work scenarios by making sure that going forward, all of these design elements are present and used properly. I will now have an eye out for “violations”. I’ve definitely grown more accustomed to Figma through this class.
How did a specific reading or video inspire or help me?
For this project, I didn’t do any additional reading, but I often referenced the Project 5: Summative class powerpoint for tips and expectations.