Nursery rhyme project

DMA214: Emily Scherer

What I learned was the use of different shapes and how a simple shape like a circle could represent a spider. I realized that you don’t have to make a descriptive photo to show what you are talking about and can use some basic shapes and people still can understand what it represents. It also made me understand the gestalt layouts because I was able to make my own examples. 

What was easy for me was creating the shapes to match the rhymes because it wasn’t very hard to come up with a pattern and a gestalt layout to match the rhyme with just using basic shapes. Which was interesting because I thought that would be the hard part because of how we couldn’t make the pictures descriptive. 

What was challenging for me was making sure I wasn’t breaking any rules like the margins inconsistencies and what was called being a wimp and the rule of thirds. Also not always having things symmetrical but to make things off-center. I struggled with this and found that I did these things a lot and then had to go in and change it to make sure things aren’t breaking these rules. 

My submission could have been improved by making things bigger and taking up more space instead of having a lot of white space between things. 

You could improve this assignment for next class by saying that each box needed at least 2 gestalt layouts and the student would have to figure out which ones would work together to make a pattern that would represent their nursery rhyme. 

I will use my knowledge from this project to help me in future scenarios and jobs by being more prepared for the projects to come because I know a lot more now than I did at the start of this project. It will help me in future jobs because I will know how to make basic designs and have it represent a story or a song without having to give it too much detail, which is what I would do if I didn’t learn what I did while doing this project. 

I used the student examples and the readings to help me create my project and help me know what it is supposed to look like and see if I was on the right track. The website thoughtbot had a reading called “Using Gestalt Principles for Natural Interactions” by Carolann Bonner and it helped a lot because it gave me simple definitions of what the gestalt principles meant and how the shapes correlated with each other.