Project 2: Design an app for social distancing


Emily Scherer

  1. learned how to add more animation to the frame and app than I did in the first one. I learned how to use smart animate and how to use fewer frames with the new feature and using my design system to make it easier for me to make the design and text the same on each frame so I didn’t have to do it manually each time. 
  1. What was easy for me was creating the format and structure for the game and coming up with the frames and writing what everyone’s score is and whose turn it was and drawing the pictures and just coming up with the whole idea. 
  1.  What was challenging for me was making the app interactive and giving it more animation because I had trouble trying to figure out how to make a button look like it was clicked and show that a person guessed the word. I had to work through this to make my app more interesting and entertaining because if there wasn’t any interaction or animation then it would be boring. 
  1. My submission could have been improved by adding even more animation and interaction to the frames and possibly figuring out how to show the picture being drawn and show what the players are seeing. I feel like that would be a really interesting touch to the project. 
  1. I don’t believe you could improve this project because it was very straightforward because it was just making an app for people to use when they have to quarantine and this project gave us the opportunity to be as creative as we want and do pretty much anything and I think that it was a good idea to let us be in charge of how to create our projects and not just tell us what to do or design. You were so helpful and really helped bring our designs to life when we didn’t know how to do something and give us ideas when we got stuck and made us think outside the box. 
  1. I will apply this project to future assignments and in my career, because I will use the knowledge I gained to help me understand prototyping and interaction more in case I need it in my future job and will be prepared. 
  1. The video you showed us in class about the new way that came out on Figma for prototyping really helped me because it was so much easier and a big time saver. I didn’t have to make as many slides because of how I could just put them in my design system and would work for my whole project. I remember how much of a pain it was for the first project having to create a frame for each thing and was way too time-consuming.