
Holiday Card


What did you learn?

I learned how to make my own holiday card. This project was interesting because I did face some difficulties and they actually did teach me so much to not give up till something is fixed completely. I learned how to write in the front and back of the card creating two different are board. I was able to learn how to add a new font onto my computer itself which then I used google fonts to do that.

What was easy?

It was easy inserting images, especially in the beginning when I was able to place embedded image and just placing it on one side of the card itself. Adding effects to my words was very easy, also changing fonts and moving things around from one artboard to another.
What was challenging?

Drawing a perfect circle with the anchor point was very challenging, and also I did have some difficulties having to print a card with color , but I did get it later on.
How could your submission be improved?

My submission can be improved by practicing more and more and also being able to ask more questions when I am stuck at some point.
How could the professor improve the assignment for the next class?

The professor can improve the assignment by adding a folder that includes all of the class videos and instructions in regards to that one project. I did have some trouble finding some folders on D2L. Otherwise, I enjoy the class and the class materials are well explained.
How might you apply your knowledge in future assignments or work scenarios?

Being able to look at the assignment and instructions first before I proceed. I believe if I pay more attention to the step-by-step during zoom meetings it can actually help me know what to do without struggling trying to find instruction videos when I stuck.

How did a specific reading or video inspire or help you?

The specific reading or video did help me a lot. It made most of the work easy and how the professor would walk through everything step by step was really helpful and well understanding.

-Glory Ndagano