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1. What did you learn?I learned how to make mockups, but also the design process within this project. 2. What was easy?The easy part was the design process, it was simple, efficient, and fun coming up with the visual component of the project. 3. What was challenging?The challenging part was printing and making the mockup of…
Link: https://www.figma.com/design/1hGLt0Df6gTPfM0tZOrLJj/DMA363_Porject-2?node-id=10%3A29&t=BYsz4OST5RVJDHYc-1 1. What did you learn?I learned more about the intricate and immersive world of the printing process on real world materials such as tee shirts. 2. What was easy?The easy part was the design process, it was a very fun and exhilarating experience being able to make my designs and print them on…
1. What did you learn?I learned new tricks and tips for typography and graphic design. Furthermore, I also learned some arts and crafts skills with us assembling the project. 2. What was easy?The easy part was designing the milk carton. Especially, since I learned some new tools and tricks for typography and graphic design. 3….
Link:https://www.figma.com/design/948BILMpiJ4xbzm6rgzGMS/Project-3_GAME-DESIGN?node-id=0%3A1&t=BYsz4OST5RVJDHYc-1 1. What did you learn?I learned how mobile games are created and how we navigate the limitations of the mobile devices to make the game. 2. What was easy?The easy part utilizing my previous design from the class. Since, I already had the website laid out in Figma. 3. What was challenging?The challenging part trying…
Link: https://www.figma.com/design/H0rK5mGhFXNKI0AnLfHqvI/Project-2_Landscape-Design?t=BYsz4OST5RVJDHYc-1 EXERCISE 2- COLOR SCHEMES For this project, we learned about colors and as a result, had to express 4 main types of color patterns. What did you learn? I learned a lot about the significance of color and how it impacts how we feel and the reason and methodological choosing of certain colors…