This project was a ton of fun and probably my favorite of the 4 we had to complete. In project 4 we were tasked to pick a place: a country, city, neighborhood, or important historical site, real or fictional, that you like and think of 4 cultural aspects that make up the country’s identity. Then …
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DMA 217: Project 2
What Did You Learn? The main thing I learned how to do animations in Figma as well as improving my prototyping skills. Learning how to use certain animations was very helpful as it saved steps that other wise would have taken longer. In addition to the animations I felt as with more time in Figma …
DMA 214: Project 3
Metaphor: “Laughter is the best medicine” This project despite being simple had some challenges that I had to overcome. For starters however I learned how to take two photos and make them into one picture. While I had done similar stuff in the past this ended up looking far more realistic something I was striving …
DMA 217: Project 1
What Did You Learn? Overall the main thing I learned in this is to not overcomplicate things. When I began I thought bigger and realized it was becoming too crowded. From there I made the font more normal and made my color scheme far less involved. What Was Easy? Once I got my idea down …
DMA 214: Project 2
1.) Urban City (Complementary) For this design I really wanted t make the city seem as dense as possible. Because of this I added different gradients on the buildings and made them darker as we got farther back. To me this made it seem like the skyscrapers just kept coming and coming. I knew I …
DMA 214: Project 1
Principals Used: Continuation: Used in frame 1. Elements following the cow in a smooth line are perceived as a group and are interpreted as being more related than elements not on the line. Another group that could be interpreted as being more related than elements not on the line are the circles located on the …
DMA 217: Lab “0”
Hello world
DMA 214: Lab “0”
Hello World
Kacalski – Project 4
For this project we were tasked with creating a map of an area. Instead of making a very busy map of a large area, I wanted to make mine a tad more simplistic. I almost wanted this map to look like something I’d see in my elementary school as the area I chose was not …
Project 4 Critique
For my map I went for a much simpler approach. I decided to do a little area by where I live. With some of these big areas I felt less was more here. Since there where fewer things to do I tried making it almost like an elementary school map, with simple symbols and vibrant …